Evolution of Swiss Trust CompaniesSwiss Trust Companies are a type of corporate entity which often start out their lives many years earlier as either a Family Trust or International Business Corporation. It does not matter what the activities of the original corporation entailed, as long as at some point in the past the corporation underwent a transition to a Non-Banking Financial Institution. Please note that all Banking and Non-Banking Corporate Entities must go through this transition from a corporation first. It is imperative that Swiss Trust Companies never be referred to as banks, tax shelters, or as any other way of averting the regulations of any nation or state.

To be established as a Swiss Trust Company, one must rename the original company, change its Articles of Association, and then be approved by its appropriate Swiss Canton. This can be a long and intricate process and often takes several months to complete. The appeal of a Swiss Trust Company comes from its unmatched authority and the wide array of activities it has the power to perform. But of course, like any company, it is crucial that the Swiss Trust Company is appropriately capitalized before engaging in its activities. For more information, please see below.

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